Bec Campbell - The Australian Psychic Barber
About Me
My Grandmother was a remarkable woman in every sense of the word. She was a lady, a believer in God and prayer, and a living Angel with a heart of pure, unconditional love. From an early age, I witnessed her ability to connect with Spirit and 'just know things' (quite often, even before they had happened). She was and always will be my truest inspiration. Although she utilized her connection to spirit in a more solitary way, she was none less capable and remains to this day one of the finest channels I have ever had the privilege of knowing. That being said, I cannot ignore the fact that my mother also has the gift of mediumship. I remember that, as a child, Mum just seemed to know everything. Noticeably, her gift, I believe, has strengthened over the years. In our family, the gift of clairvoyance is very strong. My brother also sees and hears spirit, and as far as we can prove, it dates back four generations. I feel honored to be handed the torch from these preceding generations, and I know that the gift has been and will continue to be handed down further in my family generations.
My first memory of spirit occurred a few weeks after my maternal grandfather's passing. He appeared to me at the foot of my bed in a pale blue "dress" with a frilled high-neck collar and long cuffed sleeves. I later learned from my mother that my grandfather had been buried in a pale blue burial gown with a high neck and long sleeves.
My relationship with Spirit developed further in my twenties and thirties, and in 2006, I was given the opportunity to work with Scott Alexander King, best-selling author and co-owner of Animal Dreaming Publishing. Following on from his training I commenced an apprenticeship with Canadian born Toltec Master and author of 'Hunting for Power (A Warriors Guide to Freedom') - Susan Oliver.
In 2010 I had the privilege of working with the Ancient Crystal Skull ‘Synergy’ and caretaker Sherry Whitfield. It was during this time I also became caretaker of ‘SIMON’, a 25lb Smoky Quartz Crystal Skull. My work with Simon has been nothing less than incredible and I have been blessed to work with him both in Australia and abroad.
In addition to working with Spirit, I am blessed to have the opportunity to work as a Death Doula. Having had experience as a Mortician, Funeral Director and Funeral Celebrant, I believe my role in working with spirit only begins with my Mediumship.
All-in-all, I feel humbled and blessed to be able to do the work I do whilst being able to help as many wonderful people as I can; both in this life and the next.

Five Generations of FamilyMediums

​Robyn Anne Campbell
Janet Isobel Henderson
(Maternal Grandmother)
1914 - 2010
Magaret Price
(Maternal Great Grandmother)
1883 - 1967
Sarah Ann Williamson
Great Great Grandmother
1841 - 1921

Frances Pinchen
(Maternal Great Grandmother)
1887 - 1959